Food profitability

Would you like to learn a few specific skills which would make your Hospitality Business easier to run? Are you on track to meet your Budget for the year, or are you just hoping things will turn out alright? Can you demonstrate complete confidence in your food pricing and profit margins? Our accredited course Design […]

Managing Risk in the Food Services Industry

The following provides practical guidance to assist persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) in the food services industry to meet their work health and safety duties. The food services industry includes businesses that prepare and serve food, such as restaurants, cafés, clubs, bars, pubs, fast food outlets etc. There can be significant health and […]

Food Costing Course

Our ‘Design and cost menus’ one-unit module gives you an accredited skill in just one day of very interesting work. This training will prove to be a useful addition to your career skill set, and will also stand the test of time.  Once mastered, you have it for life. If you have horrible visions of spreadsheets and […]